Funeral Museum

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Funeral Museum

The "beautiful corpse" is not only an ostentatious funeral, but also an expression of a certain quality of life. The Viennese have a very special relationship with death. So what better location for the Funeral Museum than Vienna’s world-famous Central Cemetery?

A modern, interactive museum has been created on an area of 300 m² beneath the historic chapel of rest. Surely also one of Vienna's most unusual museums. Visitors learn interesting facts about the Viennese funeral service, the funeral industry, the history of Vienna’s cemeteries and about the features of the "Viennese cult of the dead" from the end of the 18th century until today.

Heartbeat meter and rescue alarm clock

More than 250 original objects and photographic material are on display, including an original "Fourgon" (coach for transporting bodies) from around the year 1900. A heart palpitation knife and a life-saving clock are the most bizarre exhibits: They date to a time when people worried about being buried alive. From the year 1784 comes the famous foldaway coffin, which Emperor Joseph II. had used in order to be able to recycle coffins several times.

A billing instruction of the imperial court can also be seen: It concerns the costs for the transport and funeral of the heir to the throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie von Hohenberg, who were shot dead in Sarajevo in 1914.

300 square meters – 30 stations – 250 objects

Interactive and multimedia content can be found throughout the permanent exhibition of the Funeral Museum. Videos, including one of the funeral of Emperor Franz Joseph in 1916, can be watched on 13 monitors, while an audio station allows the public to listen to the most popular songs currently played at funerals.

Death cult merchandising with black humor

The shop of the Vienna Funeral Museum is unique. Because the Grim Reaper himself is taken for a ride here – with cheeky sayings, quite disrespectfully. Here are some of the unusual objects you can buy that take a look at some unusual aspects of death (many in elegant black):

  • Fan T-shirt "Der letzte Wagen ist immer ein Kombi" ("The last car is always a station wagon")
  • Fan T-Shirt "Bestattungsmuseum Wien - We put the Fun in Funeral"
  • Kitchen apron "Ich nasche bis zur Asche" ("I'm eating myself to death")
  • Gym bag "Ich turne bis zur Urne" ("I'm exercising to death")
  • Book bag "Ich lese bis ich verwese" ("I read until I rot")
  • Sleeping mask "Ich bin nicht tot, ich schlafe nur" ("I'm not dead, only asleep")
  • Towel with coffin print: For a comfortable rest on the beach
  • Wooden coffin USB stick
  • Skull-shaped pasta
  • Cemetery honey – because Vienna is a city of bees!

Further tips for cemetery fans

  • Buried in the totally remote, overgrown Cemetery of the Nameless are people who were washed up by the Danube between 1840 and 1940. 
  • The well tended St. Marx Biedermeier cemetery is just a memorial site nowadays. The musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart found his final resting place here in 1791 (today: tomb at the Central Cemetery).

Cemetery of the Nameless
© Christian Houdek / PID

Funeral Museum at Vienna's Central Cemetery

Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, Tor 2
1110 Vienna
  • Opening times

    • Th, 10:00 - 16:00
    • Guided tours are not possible on Thursdays. Mondays and Wednesdays are reserved exclusively for guided tours (10:00 and 13:00 by appointment for groups of 15 or more). Fixed guided tours every 1st Saturday (10:00 and 13:00), except on public holidays.

  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • 12 Steps (Double swinging doors )
        Ramp: 6 % incline with intermediate landings of 120 cm length, wall opening of 160 cm and a passageway opening of 144 cm (from railing to railing);
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Comments

      Alternatively to the ramp: 12 steps 14.66 / 35 cm, wall opening 160 cm, handrail on both sides 144 cm, passageway opening 144 cm;


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