Pohled zvenčí na Hasičské muzeum s historickou hasičskou technikou

Hasičské muzeum

Am Hof 7
1010 Vienna

The museum is located in a historic building on Am Hof square. It was built in 1727 to 1739 based on a design by Lukas von Hildebrandt. The exhibitions rooms of the museum, which opened in 1901, present the history of the fire service since the Middle Ages.

  • Provozní doba

    • Ne, 09:00 - 12:00
    • o svátcích, 09:00 - 12:00
    • v pracovních dnech po tel. ohlášení předem

  • Bezbariérový přístup

    • Speciální nabídky pro osoby s hendikepem

      free of charge as an app for smartphones (Hearonymus Audioguide)

    • Poznámky

      The whole museum is barrier-free accessible; elevator to the exhibition rooms.