Wohnung Löwenbach Speisezimmer Renovierung Decke 2021

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Discover a jewel of Adolf Loos

The Emil Löwenbach flat is one of the most exclusive and largest flats ever furnished by Adolf Loos in Vienna – a place that impressively reflects the style of living of the upper-middle-class in Vienna around 1900. Most notably, the living room, the dining room and the library have all been preserved in their original state. However, the 500-square-meter interior design gem fell into oblivion for a long time. A few years ago, the Emil Löwenbach apartment – located near the Urania – was rediscovered. It is currently being restored with the help of the Federal Monuments Authority Austria and can now be visited again as part of our exclusive guided tours.

Wohnung Löwenbach Speisezimmer Renovierung 2021
© Ralf Bock & Kazuhiro Yajima

Tours on Saturdays

Tours will take place every Saturday at 1 p.m.. They last for one hour. Josef Paulis, the president of the Bridge Club, will guide you through the rooms – the Bridge Club has been renting the Löwenbach apartment for many years. You must register online via the website for the Architectural Heritage Austria. The Emil Löwenbach apartment and the Boskovits apartment in Bartensteingasse, which houses the music collection of Vienna City Library, are the only Loos apartments in Vienna that can be visited.

To register for the weekly guided tours

Emil Löwenbach Apartment

Reischachstraße 3
1010 Vienna


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