People preparing a Wiener Schnitzel

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Cooking and baking courses

In the Wiener Kochsalon of the Wrenkh family, there are culinary workshops on changing topics such as "Wrenkh Classic" (vegetarian cuisine) right up to Austrian cuisine. The Kochsalon is also available for groups and cooking events on various topics (e.g. apple strudel workshop).

The Vienna Cooking Tours of Andrea Beck start at the Naschmarkt with a tasting and shopping tour. Afterwards, the participants cook a typical Viennese menu together in Andrea Beck's private kitchen (up to 6 people) or at the Gegenbauer vinegar brewery. The tours and cookery courses are offered in German, English, French and Spanish. On request, they can be combined with a tour of the vinegar brewery.

A cookery course on Viennese cuisine is held in the lovely rooms of Andante. The classes are held in English. Depending on the season, course leader and group size, a three-course menu will be cooked and eaten together. Italian, French and Spanish on request.

How do you beat a Wiener schnitzel? This is what the participants of the Viennese cooking courses at Restaurant Meissl & Schadn learn, as well as the breading of a Wiener Schnitzel. The courses take place on fixed dates and are offered in German and English.

Onion roast, Wiener schnitzel, dumplings or apple strudel? The Vienna Cooking Classes offer cookery courses for small groups in private apartments on fixed as well as flexible dates. Larger groups head for the cooking studio (available in German, English, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese).

Insight into the Viennese baking tradition

If you want to know how to make an original Viennese apple strudel from pulled strudel dough, the Gerstner K. u. K. Hofzuckerbäcker Show is the ideal opportunity for you. During the apple strudel show at Schönbrunn Palace, you can either watch how the delicacies are made or learn the craft under the guidance of pastry chefs in individually bookable courses in German and English.

At Kruste & Krume, a wide range of baking workshops are offered: From bread, apple strudel, fluffy Striezel (long plaited buns), Christmas cookies, Carnival doughnuts to Kaisersemmerl rolls and crumbly croissants. Did you know that the legendary crumbly Viennese "Kipferl" was brought to Paris by Viennese bakers in the 19th century, where it developed into the croissant?

Cooking courses for tour groups

The following studios/chefs offer cooking courses on Viennese cuisine and pastries and cakes upon request and exclusively for groups: The programme is customised, based on the size of the group, the budget and the time constraints.

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