Information panel in the Vienna subway with clock

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Operating hours

  • The underground trains (U-Bahn) run from about 5:00 a.m. in the morning to about midnight
  • Trams and buses normally stop running earlier
  • You can find detailed information in the schedules for the individual lines

Safely through the night

  • Vienna's subway lines operate 24 hours a day on Friday night, Saturday night and on the nights before holidays. The trains run at 15-minute intervals.
  • The night buses operate daily from 12:30 a.m. to 5 a.m. in 30-minute cycles. Please check the website of the Vienna Transport Authority for the schedules of the Nightline
  • You can use the night buses as well as the rapid transit railway within the Vienna metropolitan area with all tickets of Wiener Linien and, of course, with the Vienna City Card.
