Restaurante de la Villa Hermes

Bienvenido a Viena


Lainzer Tiergarten
1130 Vienna

El emperador Francisco José mandó construir esta hermosa villa como residencia de verano para su esposa, la emperatriz Elisabeth. Una exposición explica la historia del edificio.

  • Vienna City Card

    • Ventajas de la Vienna City Card: -25%

      Additional information on the offer: Standard ticket price: 8€ / reduced ticket price: 6€

      Tickets available online, on site and at

  • Precio

    • Primer domingo del mes: Entrada libre
  • Horarios de apertura

    • 15 Marzo 2024 hasta 01 Noviembre 2024
    • Ma - Do, 10:00 - 17:00
    • Closed in winter

  • Accesibilidad

    • Más información
      • Disponibles servicios con accesibilidad para discapacitados.
    • Ofertas especiales para discapacitados

      Access: Not approachable by car because the Lainz Game Reserve is a natural conservation area. Shuttle service on specific days between Lainzer Tor and Hermesvilla for people with special needs, alternating Sat 2 pm–4 pm and Tue 10 am–noon. Registration by telephone on Tel. +43 1 505 87 47 – 85173 or email: Meeting point: Lainzer Tor. Please bring your handicapped ID. Return from Hermesvilla to Lainzer Tor at 3:30 pm (on Saturdays) and 11:50 am (on Tuesdays).

    • Observaciones

      Special exhibition area in the ground floor accessible by wheelchair, wheelchair for rental and seats available, exhibition areas in the 2nd and 3rd floor not accessible by wheelchair. Shop and restaurant accessible via platform lift.