


Kärntner Straße 41
1010 Vienna

Play it your way in the heart of the city! Take your pick between roulette, Black Jack and the slot machines.

  • ウィーンカード

    • ウィーンカードのメリット: -20%

      Additional information on the offer: Standard ticket price (entry): 30€
      Reduced ticket price: 24€ / Discount redeemable 1 x per month per Vienna City Card holder

      The bonus can be redeemed by showing the Vienna City Card.

  • 営業時間

    • Jackpot Casino 毎日, 09:00 - 05:00
    • Casino 毎日, 15:00 - 05:00
    • Restaurant 毎日, 17:00 - 00:00
    • closed Dec 24