

1020 Vienna

An amusement park for many, place of nostalgic dreams for some, oasis of greenery for almost everyone – and the location of the Giant Ferris Wheel, one of Vienna's most famous symbols. The Vienna Prater is in season from March to October. But the world-famous Giant Ferris Wheel and a few other attractions are open all year round.

  • 営業時間

    • 15 3月 ~ 31 10月
      Main season
    • 毎日, 12:00 - 20:00
    • Weather permitting

  • バリアフリー

    • 駐車場 メインエントランス
      • 身障者用駐車スペースあり
        at Riesenrad (Giant Ferris Wheel) and Schweizerhaus (Waldsteingartenstraße)
    • その他
      • バリアフリーの入口付き障害者用トイレあり
    • 注記

      Wheelchair-accessible restrooms: Messegelände / Parkplatz, 1.-Mai-Strasse (in the middle), Calafattiplatz.
