


Prinz-Eugen-Straße 27
1030 Vienna

Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736), a successful general and art lover, had the Belvedere garden palace built by Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt as a summer residence. The overall Baroque artwork consists of two palaces (Upper and Lower Belvedere), which are now home to Austrian art from the Middle Ages to the present day, such as the world's biggest collection of art by Klimt.

  • 営業時間

    • Upper Belvedere 毎日, 09:00 - 18:00
    • Lower Belvedere & Orangerie 毎日, 10:00 - 18:00
  • バリアフリー

    • 駐車場 メインエントランス
      • 身障者用駐車スペースあり
        Parking space for visitors with disabilities in front of the entrance at Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 27, Parking: 10 am – 6 pm
    • その他
      • 盲導犬同伴可
      • バリアフリーの入口付き障害者用トイレあり
    • 障害者向け特別サービス

      Reduced admission for persons with disabilities and their escorts. Tours in Austrian sign language, video guides in Austrian sign language and International Sign, "seeing differently" (tactile tours) for the blind and visually impaired in groups are possible in the Upper and Lower Belvedere.

    • 注記

      People with visual impairments can be collected from the nearest tram station. Please provide information on this when making arrangement. Trained seeing-eye dogs (with ID) may be taken into all areas of the collection. A wheelchair is available at the cloakroom for visitors who have difficulty walking. Some seating is also available in the exhibition rooms or will be provided during the tours.
