Stairway in the Burgtheater, ceiling paintings by Gustav Klimt and his associates Franz Matsch and Ernst Klimt, Detail Dionysos



残念ながら生家はもう存在しません。 ですからクリムト巡りは、ブルク劇場のガイド付き見学から始めましょう。





ブルク劇場 (Burgtheater)

Universitätsring 2
1010 Vienna
  • ガイドツアー

    • Thu, Fri: 3 p.m.; Sat, Sun, Public Holidays: 11 a.m.

      For guided tours in July and August see

      Guided tour in German with written explanations in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese.

      (subject to change)

  • バリアフリー

    • サブエントランス
      • (両開き戸 170 cm 広い)
      • スロープ 300 cm 広い
    • 駐車場 メインエントランス
      • 3 身障者用駐車スペースあり
        in the Burgtheater parking lot – Volksgarten side
    • エレベーターあり
      • ドア 160 cm 広い
    • その他
      • 盲導犬同伴可
      • 12 車椅子用スペースあり (in the auditorium, access with the elevator)
      • バリアフリーの入口付き障害者用トイレあり
    • 障害者向け特別サービス

      At each performance, the Burgtheater provides places in the stalls with acoustic amplification by means of induction for visitors who wear a hearing aid. The acoustic signal is also amplified for all visitors. This can be received in the theater during the performance on radio frequency 99.2 MHz using a radio receiver, mobile telephone or MP3 player with radio reception. Please bring your own headset.

    • 注記

      Special tours for visitors with disabilities and special needs on prior notification.
      Prior notification is necessary for visitors with wheelchairs for admission tickets and tours. Tel. +43 1 514 44-4545,

      The spoken texts of selected performances can be read along with the app (German, English and other languages)

ガイドツアー: ドイツ語, 英語 。所要時間約1時間,。9月-6月: 毎日 15; 7月・8月: 毎日 14 と 15

