Neidhart frescos

Парадный зал Нейдхарта в Музее Вены (Wien Museum Neidhart Festsaal)

Tuchlauben 19
1010 Vienna

The Neidhart frescoes were created around 1407 and are a work of art that is unique to Vienna. They once adorned the private dance hall of the rich cloth merchant Michel Menschein and were discovered and exposed during the remodeling of an apartment in 1979.

  • Цены

    • 1st Sunday of the month: Free admission
  • Часы работы

    • Пт. - Вс., 10:00 - 13:00 , 14:00 - 17:00
    • Closed from 6/8-16/10/2019

  • Безбарьерная среда

    • Дальнейшая информация
      • Нахождение с собакой-поводырем разрешено
    • Примечания

      Exhibition area on 2nd floor accessible via steps, entrance is very narrow (66 cm).