Cellar with champagne

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Tours of the Schlumberger Cellars

The 300-year-old-cellar was extended to its present size by Karl Ritter von Ghega, who went on to build the Semmering railway. Several million bottles of Sekt sparkling wine are stored here in the protective darkness. Visitors can tour the enchanting place where the Schlumberger gets its sparkle and find out about the méthode traditionelle as they try their hand at riddling the bottles before sampling Austria’s answer to champagne.

Guided tours:

  • Fr & Sa at 4.00 pm (in German) or for groups by telephone appointment
  • Tour with audio guide in 8 languages at the opening times

Schlumberger Cellars

Heiligenstädter Straße 39
1190 Vienna
Schlumberger Sekt bottle
© Philipp Lipiarski
Schlumberger Bar & Kostkeller
© Schlumberger
Schlumberger Sekt (sparkling wine)
© Schlumberger
Schlumberger Sekt in edler Verpackung
© Schlumberger
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