Haydn ház, bejárat

Isten hozta Bécsben


Haydngasse 19
1060 Vienna

Joseph Haydn (1732–1809) died here on 31 May 1809. The permanent exhibition at the Haydnhaus focuses on the last few years of the composer's life, which are presented within the wider context of the political and social environment of that time.

  • Árak

    • 1st Sunday of the month: Free admission
  • Nyitva tartás

    • P. - V., 10:00 - 17:00
    • Closed: January 1, May 1, December 25

  • Akadálymentesség

    • Főbejárat
      • lépcsőmentes
    • További információk
      • Vakvezető kutya belépése engedélyezett
    • Megjegyzések

      Patio and exhibition areas on the ground floor: no steps, exhibition areas on the 2nd floor accessible via steps.