Palatul Schönnbrunn

Bine aţi venit la Viena

Castelul Schönbrunn (Schloss Schönbrunn)

Schönbrunner Schlossstraße
1130 Vienna

Schönbrunn Palace was built about 300 years ago. The emperors lived here in the summer. Empress Elisabeth, the legendary "Sisi", spent the first years of her marriage here. And in the century before that, the 16 children of Empress Maria Theresia wandered the rooms and corridors of this extensive building.

  • Vienna City Card

    • Avantajul cardului Vienna City Card: -6%

      Additional information on the offer: Classic Pass: 36€ instead of 38€ (incl. audio guide, valid from 2.4.-3.11.) /
      Classic Pass Plus: 68€ instead of 73€ (incl. audio guide, valid from 2.4.-3.11.)/
      Sisi Ticket (Grand Tour / Schönbrunn Palace; Sisi Museum; Vienna Furniture Museum): 45,00€ instead of 49,00€ (incl. audio guide) /

      Tickets on and on site

  • Program

    • 03 Noiembrie 2023 până la 01 Aprilie 2024
      • (Last entry: 16:15 h) zilnic, 08:30 - 17:00
    • 02 Aprilie până la 03 Noiembrie 2024
      • (Last entry: 16:45 h) zilnic, 08:30 - 17:30
    • 04 Noiembrie 2024 până la 31 Martie 2025
      • (Last entry: 16:15 h) zilnic, 08:30 - 17:00
  • Accesibilitate

    • Intrare principală
      • fără trepte
    • Locuri de parcare Intrare principală
      • Există locuri de parcare pentru persoane cu dizabilități
        at main entrance portal (Schönbrunner Schlossstrasse, 3 parking spaces), Meidlinger Tor (2 parking spaces), close to Kavalierstrakt as well as Valerietrakt (2 parking spaces) and Fürstenstöckl (1 parking space)
    • Există lift
      • Ușă 90 cm lățime
    • Mai multe informații
      • Sunt permiși câinii însoțitori pentru nevăzători
      • Există toaletă pentru persoane cu dizabilități, cu acces fără bariere.
    • Oferte speciale pentru persoane cu dizabilități

      Free wheelchair rental – contact attendant at main portal (3 wheelchairs) or at Hietzinger Tor and at Meidlinger Tor (1 wheelchair each). Supplemental devices available for the visually impaired. Tours for visitors with with disabilities or special needs on request. Museum Sign Language Guide available in ÖGS and IS for the Imperial or Grand Tour, prior reservation recommended, further information:

    • Observații

      Access to all exhibition rooms: no steps. Freight elevator for extra wide wheelchairs: door width: 160 cm, cabin depth: 220 cm, cabin width: 156 cm.

      Ticket Center in the Gardetrakt by the main gate, stepless access, door width: approx. 144 cm, wheelchair-accessible restroom can be reached by wheelchair platform lift – platform 110/140 cm, door width: 90 cm in the corridor area and 94 cm to the outdoors, accessible from outside with a Euro-Key.

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